And we have tickets!

It's official! We are leaving on July 5th, 2010 at 11:10 pm from Los Angeles and getting to Brisbane early on July 7th.  From there we will get our bags, go through customs, re-check our bags, and grab our flight to Sydney, but we only have an hour and a half to do it!  Here's to hoping lines aren't long.  The tickets were unbelievably cheap- $646 one way- so that was a major deal.  The strange thing is that we only bought one way tickets.  Yes, we can't purchase our return ticket until 300 days before the flight leaves, at the earliest.  So we can't get those until later in the year 2010.  Our concern is that the airline requires proof of "continued travel" from each passenger before they can board the plane.  We are hoping that our certificates of enrollment from Hillsong and our student visas count, as they do technically represent where we are traveling after we get off the plane...and they document that we will be in the country for an entire 12-14 months.  

I've been reading a psalm a day for the past week because I've noticed that my quiet time with God has gone completely out the window.  So, I simply take 10 minutes each night before I go to bed and read a psalm, meditate on it, and have some prayer.  I'm trying different things out because I want to get myself on a schedule now, so that by the time I'm at HILC it's second nature to me.  The problem is that I am not really that into the psalms for some reason.  Usually they are really enjoyable for me because they are so worshipful and I find myself repeating them over and over like a breath prayer.  But I find my mind wandering and wanting to read other things, so I end up skimming them and then I get frustrated with myself for not taking enough time.  It's annoying.  Honestly.  Over the summer, I read the whole book of Acts in a week.  I was so engrossed in it, talking about it to whoever walked into the office, writing about it, eating up the zeal and the enthusiasm in it's pages.  But it's so hard for me to focus while I'm back here in the "real world"- this has always been hard for me.  So if anyone has any suggestions or materials I could use to get back in the Word, I would appreciate it!

Anyway, that was a random rant- sorry about that.  I mainly wanted to share the excitement over the tickets!  We thought we'd have to wait another month, but the people in my life really blessed me with graduation donations.  I am so grateful to God that he placed people around me who care about this journey and are supporting it as a call and not just a whim.  Each day that I feel worried about this process, he gives me another gift to calm me down.  Here's an example:  I am doing an epiphany concert this weekend for a church in Llano that Dad used to pastor.  I am singing five songs from my rep, and they are paying me- I have a paying concert gig!  Although I don't feel very enthusiastic about it right now because of the time of year and the amount of time since I've given a classical concert (uh...7 months)  I have to thank him for an opportunity to earn some money doing something fun.

Ok..I'm done now.  Thanks for sticking with me and reading this!

With love,


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