Link up to Oz

Hey everyone!

I thought I'd post some links that have been really helpful to us as we plan our year in Sydney. If anyone out there is considering going to College, you may want to read the info on these sites.

But before I get there, I wanted to give everyone some updates.

Last Wednesday, I had to have a CT scan of my sinuses to check and see if I would need surgery to create windows (holes) in my sinus cavities to keep me from having so many infections. I went in to have the scan, and they said, "Alright, and that'll be $247..." I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped because the guy behind the window looked at me like, "Didn't you know that already?" Well, no, I didn't. If I did, I wouldn't have been having the scan at all and would have just dealt with any health problems. :) So they charged it to my mastercard and that created a problem, because Hillsong College tried to charge my housing application fee to it the next day- and there were insufficient funds. (I have a student card with a very low limit so I have to be strategic in charging and paying off).

So I'm having this nervous breakdown after I pay off enough of the card to allow the housing fee to go through because my savings account is pretty low. And then, lo and behold, the phone rings. And it's a guy from the Census Bureau offering me a 4-8 week job, 40 hours a week, $16/hour. If the job only lasted 4 weeks, that right there would be enough to pay my tuition for the second semester. Plus, I could keep subbing half days in RRISD and at the preschools. Of course, after my initial happiness people I know who have been working there are telling me that the Census has over hired and I probably won't be working even 4 weeks and maybe not the full 40 hours, but even a little bit of extra money is a blessing.

That same night, Robin called me telling me she got a tax refund that is the EXACT amount she needed to pay her 2nd semester of tuition. Then later I got a text saying that her aunt sent her $750 and since she had already paid her tuition, she was giving me a good portion of it to go towards mine. ( I about a best friend)

Once again, I have learned that the Lord will take care of us and will provide. I feel kind of guilty for not trusting, but I'm slowly learning. Each time I start to panic, He drops a bit of reassurance and provision into my lap. I'm a mix of nerves and excitement because we're less than 3 months out, but at this moment I think excitement outweighs the nerves because I'm calmer about finances. As Robin says, "Turn your worry dial down- it's gonna be ok. "


Now, for the links:

This is the website for Virgin Australia. It's the airline we bought our tickets on. I believe they cost $646 a piece, one way. If you are a student, that's a FABULOUS price and VAustralia has good safety ratings (check them out at, under Virgin Blue Australia). Also good prices for family that may come visit.

Website with info about Overseas Student Health Cover, which you must purchase in order to obtain a Visa. Hillsong builds the cost into their tuition fees, but it's good to look and see what medical costs will be covered. You can also buy extra coverage for dental care.

Online application for student visa. If you do it online, you'll be able to apply 4 months before classes start and you'll get approved within 24 hours usually. You can do it by paper, but that's what I did and you can't apply until 3 months out AND it takes up to 4 weeks for them to approve it. Wish I knew about the online thing.

This is going to seem weird, but it's cool to be able to look on the Woolworth's site and see what products will be available to you. Woolworth's is a huge grocery chain in AU, sort of comparable to Walmart without the huge warehouse/ parking lot and...people. You do have to put a zip code in to browse products, so just put the College zip in. Another large chain is Coles (

Anything you ever wanted to know about Oz. I never have time to read everything on here, but each time I spend a few minutes, I'm absolutely enthralled. I like to learn about where I'm going to be living. :)

This is actually a blog by a gal living in Melbourne, I believe, who creates her own jewelry and has a really interesting sense of fashion. It's probably really only something that would interest women. I found it by accident, but it has some funny entries on Aussie culture and a really funny entry certain hygiene products in AU vs the US....that is definitely a girls only one, but the comments are long and crazy and call me strange, but I read them all. LOL

Well, there you go..hopefully some practical and interesting stuff. Please, everyone, keep us in your prayers. We still have a lot of money to save, and a HUGE 24 hour plane journey to make it through. Something specific to pray over would be that we find a place to stay in Sydney from the 7-11th, because College housing won't be open until the 12th. We have some leads on friends of friends who may open their homes, and we are so hopeful that we won't have to be in a hotel. Prayers appreciated!

Much love to everyone who actually reads this. :)


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