Ah, awkwardness

Do you ever start talking with a point in mind, then keep rambling on, even though you know people are uncomfortable and bored, just because you can't seem to make it back around to your point? That happened to me today.
I was in my music excellence tutorial and we were talking about churches using contemporary music to speak to today's seeker, and why it might be more effective than traditional music. Our trainer asked us to give benefits and drawbacks of using fully notated music vs. chord charts. Somehow it turned into everyone around me talking about the freedom of chord charts vs. fully notated music, then it got into how it's easier to connect with a congregation if there's no music stand in front of you. So while we're talking about connecting more with the congregation, my mind's still on the subject of notation.
I personally cannot learn a song without seeing the vocal line physically written out. Ok, I can learn it, but it takes way less time for me to just look at it, play it on the piano once, listen to the recording and then boom I'm good to go. Then once I memorize it, I can still see the spacing and line in my head, so I know what notes to sing.
Anyway, I just piped up and said something along the lines of that in the middle of a completely different conversation, and the trainer was very gracious. He just re-directed the whole group because I think we'd all gone in a slightly different direction by that point...but I felt so bad. I mean, I just wanted to make a simple statement that some people, including me, really do need the notation and that it's not a bad thing to learn from that. Instead, I went on this rambling stroll about classical training and seeing notes and blah blah blah. Oh man. Luckily for me, people here don't judge. LOL. I think my biggest concern is looking like I don't think I need to learn. So not true! I am so ready to learn! I just learned a lot of other stuff before I came here and I'm trying to connect it all together.....

Something else I learned today was that as believers, when we pray, if we use God's word in our prayer,it's like we're letting God know that we know what He has promised us and that we truly believe He'll come through. So we pray, telling God the things we know of Him from His word, and then we only ask once because we know He has heard it and is working on it. Then the next time we pray, we can just thank Him for orchestrating things and for His perfect timing- we don't have to ask again and again. Just have faith that He's in in control of it and it will happen. That's something I've never heard before and it's definitely not something I was doing before. But I think I just found a new prayer style. Plus it will encourage me to get more into the Word.

Ummmm...that's all I can think of for now. We finally tried Vegemite and we took video so that may be up sometime if we can ever get our wireless to work properly. :)

Love to all!
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