Happy 2011!

Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I last posted. We have had an incredibly busy summer down here and the blogging just slipped away from me.

I hope the new year finds everyone in good health and good hope- this year is still an open book, and anything can be written in it's pages. I remember the beginning of 2010; I had no idea what was in store for me! I can't believe that I have moved to a completely different country and actually feel like it's home. I just never would have thought that I would actually do it.
If you have dreams or big changes materializing in your new year, be encouraged that God is next to you on the journey and He will never leave you to navigate alone. That's something I have definitely come to trust in this past year.

As I begin 2011, I am sitting in the hottest known week in Sydney on record- period. And today is the hottest day on record in 5 years. The actual temperature is 42 C, but the "real feel" is 46 C (115 F!!!!) I don't ever remember Texas getting up to 115. For the past few weeks, all of which have been above 38 C, we've had the air conditioner on. This is a big deal, seeing as none of the houses here have insulation, which makes AC VERY expensive. We try to wait as long as possible before putting it on, but it's so hot that people are getting sick- so we really have no choice. Here's to hoping that our electricity bills aren't through the roof!
I think it's funny that my dad sent me pictures of snow at our house in Texas- and here I am melting. It's just another reminder of how physically far apart we are right now.

We had Christmas Spectacular, which turned out to be just that! It was so fun to participate. I feel so honored to get cast in that show- doing the math, we played for over 20,000 people during the course of 2 weekends- one of which was Hugh Jackman. Good thing I didn't know that before I went on or I would have freaked out. This show is such a great ministry because it's free and very accessible to the community. It's really well done, fun, and attracts a lot people- while ultimately presenting the message of Jesus at Christmastime.

Dad, Mom and Forrest came to visit from December 29th- January 10. We had New Years together watching the spectacular fireworks on the Harbour Bridge, and a wild escapade trying to get home on public transport (which included people throwing up on the train and getting stranded by the bus at 4:30 am)- we made it home around 5:30 am. But, it was a once in a lifetime experience and I'm glad we did it. We saw the sights of Sydney, including Manly Beach, the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, and the Rocks, and then headed up to Cairns, where we snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and rode a skyrail through a rainforest. We also spent some time at an Aboriginal cultural center, which was really interesting. Mom and I did some shopping for Opals and Pearls while Dad and Forrest went on a crocodile spotting cruise. We also bought Forrest a real Didgeridoo, and Dad and Mom bought aboriginal art. We really enjoyed the feel of Cairns- very tropical and friendly. After Cairns we went to Beerwah, near Brisbane, to go to the Australia Zoo. It was a fun day of feeding the elephants, watching all the different shows- including Terri Irwin feeding crocs- and spotting Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids filming an episode of Kate plus 8! After Beerwah, we spent a night in Brisbane in a really posh hotel. We went up to the pool and while we were there, a family did a baptism. Of course, Dad had to go take pictures for them and introduce himself. After Brisbane, we came back to Sydney for a night and saw a show in the famous Sydney Opera House. The next day I said goodbye and we parted ways.

I was so glad they came to visit, but I won't lie when I say I wish I could have gone home for the holidays. It was somewhat difficult to spend Christmas here alone. I did sing in choir on Christmas eve and Christmas day, which was nice. And on Christmas day one of our trainers had us over for a barbecue. But being apart from family is rough, and if I stay here another year I will save my money and fly home for Christmas. It's nice to go to the beach, but I miss sweaters and hot chocolate.

Anyway, I made it through Christmas, had a lovely visit with my family, and then sat around for a week doing basically nothing- I was so glad when new people started arriving and everyone came back from their home countries to start school again. We have three new housemates. One from New Zealand, one from Sweden, and one from the UK. Everyone is getting along well. Last week, we had Powerhouse Retreat (for 18-25 year olds) with Hillsong, and we went up to the Central Coast. It was handy to have a housemate that is from Central Coast- myself and three friends stayed with her instead of paying for housing. I enjoyed the retreat and the speakers and worships, but I really enjoyed reconnecting with my friends after the long summer break. We went to the beach, skinny dipped in her pool and stayed up talking. I needed that time, for sure.

We returned from retreat and started intensives for the new semester. So far everything's gone well. We're taking Church in Ministry and Communication in Ministry- two very useful, practical classes. I'm very happy to be back in class.

My birthday is Thursday and it's going to be interesting to have a summer birthday- usually my birthday falls in the middle of the icy-est, coldest part of the year- but I'm hoping for a beach birthday this year!

Work is still going well, but is not going to pay for a second year's tuition. So, I am going to apply for a grant from the United Methodist Church. If I get the grant I will stay; if I don't get the grant, I will have to go home. I'm very proud of making it through this year without major help from anyone, but the money is just not going to stretch much further. If anything, this year has been an exercise in trusting God's hands for provision. But I also trust that if he wants me to stay, He'll provide money. And if He doesn't want me to stay, He won't provide money. Simple as that! My desire is to stay, so that's what I'm praying for.

I'll sign off now- got to go put another frozen dish towel on my back.

What are YOU praying for in 2011?

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