1st semester of 2nd year is almost done!

HELLO lovely people!

Oh my goodness, it has been forever! But let me tell you, this has been the absolute busiest season of life- more busy than when I was in my student teaching semester at OCU. And THAT is saying something. However, it's been the good kind of busy- when you feel purpose filled and like you're learning and experiencing things that are changing the very core of who you are.

It gets kind of exhausting when you change so much in a short period of time- whew.

I won't go into detail about everything that's happened, but in summary:

I've completed Theology, Leadership, New Testament Studies (a more in depth study of the overview we took in our first year- and we will do the OT again next semester. We focused on Romans and Luke this semester and it's really made me want to be more diligent and detailed in my own studies), Analysis, Theology of Worship (amazing! Goodness, our trainer for that, Aran Puddle, always says things that make my eyes well up in class- the Spirit is so present in that 1.5 hours each Wednesday) and our usual weekly worship band workshops.

Our performances this semester were hard as usual, but at least they were fun. Our first one involved re-arranging two songs into two completely different genres while keeping original lyrics and melody. The first one my group did was to re-arrange the hymn "Blessed Assurance" into the style of Jonsi- look him up if you don't know what I'm talking about. The second song we did was "Only In Your Heart" by America and re-arranged it for Katy Perry. That one was actually really fun to perform, and I did a lot of the re-arranging for the vocal lines, which was a lot of fun for me to do.

Our second performance was a solo performance. Originally I was going to do a classical piece, but it fell through, and I felt God telling me to get way out of my comfort zone and do a piece I wrote myself. So I showed up to that performance with my guitar and played everyone a song I've been working on for a while about my journey with God since I've been here. I was so scared I was shaking; and after I was done, I went back to the trainers for feedback and couldn't keep from crying- I was so relieved I had done it and that it had gone well; and plus a little bit more of myself was out in the open. I got great encouraging feedback on not only my songwriting but also on my personal breakthrough musically and spiritually. They said they want to see more of what I can do; so I plan to give it to them. :)

Our last performance is this coming Friday and it's a gospel performance. We have four songs to do. I'm leading one, BVing one, vocal directing one and singing in the choir on one. It will be intense! We are scrambling to get rehearsal time in, because we've had school holidays, all assessments were due today, and last night was album recording, so we've all been busy and unavailable. Plus I'm in Christmas Spectacular again this year so I've been in rehearsals for that, and been in the studio for a few days recording the backing tracks, so my life has been absolutely crazy.

This semester I had to have surgery to remove a kidney stone from my right kidney, which went off without a hitch but made me realize that I need to take really good care of myself from now on. My body does make them no matter what, but I let the stone sit too long and it ended up getting infected and I could have gotten incredibly sick. I'm lucky they got it out when they did. I won't ignore things like that in the future. I was blessed to find a nice, thorough, FEMALE doctor that was accepted by my insurance, and my insurance covered everything. I love Australia- it's cheaper for me to have medical care here, as a non-citizen, than it is for me to have medical care in the States. Go figure....

Like I said, last night we had our annual live album recording in the Acer arena. 12,000 people gathering to praise Jesus- it was awesome! And because of my weekly ministry being choir, I get rostered to sing in choir at album recordings too. I get to be behind the stage singing out to the crowds and it is awesome to watch them worship together. After the recording, we all walked back to our greenroom together and who was in the hallway but Darlene Zschech! She was so lovely! She asked us if we were choir, and when we said yes, she said " You all did such a wonderful job, thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us!" Then she said she wished she could meet everyone, and this really brave guy in front stuck out his hand and introduced himself to her. She shook it and then kept shaking people's hands (including mine...oh man that was a moment of self control lol). Then a girl went up to be introduced and Darlene took the girl's face in her hands, looked her in the eye and said "You're beautiful. Thank you so much for the great job you did out there." And kissed her on the cheeks. What a moment to see such a famous and revered worship leader pouring such love into college students she didn't know! I want to be like her when I grow up. :)

Today I'm just finishing up assessments and doing my laundry- my day to day life isn't exciting, but it's satisfying and I'm so happy here. I'm considering whether or not to stay a third year. I love my job (still a youth worker) and I'm growing to love this church more as I make relationships with more of the students and staff. I am praying about what God would have me do next year.

But until then,

Be blessed!

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Loved always, loved forever, loved anyway

Oh my goodness! It has been what...3, 4 months since I posted in here? I used to be so good at this...sheesh. Well, I will post a bullet list of news at the bottom of this entry. Right now, I want to focus on a thought that has been growing like a little bean sprout in my head since March.

I felt the culmination of all my musings and study and prayer over the lat 3 months rise up inside of me yesterday, when my tutorial had a lunch at our trainer's house to celebrate the end of the semester. There is a fantastic man of God in my tutorial named Joel, who came to Sydney with his wife Charlotte and their two young boys. God gave them a surprise blessing of a third little boy while they were here in Oz, and he was born a week ago yesterday. The whole family came to the lunch, even little bubs, his tiny 7 day old self sleepy and snuggled up. His mom had no problem letting all of us take our turn holding him and snapping pictures of all the girls with E., which will make a really cool part of their scrapbooks later I'm sure. What a ladies man...

I watched all of these women who are around my age being so natural with this tiny baby, cuddling him, staring at him with expressions of wonder, touching his little fingers and toes, his little fuzzy head, just completely looking at him with total adoration. When it was my turn to hold him, I had a revelation. This baby isn't my own, and to be honest his parents aren't incredibly close friends of mine. But holding gorgeous, precious new life in my arms made me tear up. I've held babies before. I have held children when they're sick and when they want to cuddle and when they're sleeping- it comes with working in childcare. But for some reason, this time was different. I felt a swelling of emotion looking at this tiny, gorgeous barely born baby, blissed out and asleep in my arms, totally trusting a random stranger to keep his head supported. I couldn't help but shed a tear or two (or 3, or 4...) . I was thinking about how badly I want my own baby (more like baseball team of babies) some day, and about a prophecy given to me by a classmate last semester about God seeing my mother's heart and someday honoring that desire in me. I was totally lost in my own little world when a friend noticed my tears and said, "Just think; if you get this emotional and overwhelmed when you hold a friend's baby, how much God feels when he looks at us."

I know we hear the analogy of God as father all the time, and God compared to earthly parents, and as Christians we all hear and understand that God loves us lots and unconditionally. I definitely know that and believe it. But sometimes, in my daily life, I really struggle with accepting that love. It's kind of like I've learned a theory that I can logically make sense of, but I can't practically apply it. Like imaginary numbers in Algebra (who are they kidding?). But, when this friend said that to me, it just clicked inside of my heart. I am made in the image of God. Therefore, I have emotions that mirror God's. In my own way, I felt love for the baby. So, if I can feel that for a baby that's not my own, God totally feels that for me! About 1,000,000 times stronger though.

I think that God sensed I was ready to accept that revelation and allowed me to have a moment where I could feel a fraction of what he felt each time He sees new life enter the world. He created the life, so He can appreciate it even more than I can. It's just crazy how much He actually must love me. Crazy. I seriously don't think I've ever grasped that. I am sitting here, not even able to wrap my mind around it. Oh my God, how could I ever have doubted it?

Like everyone else on earth, I have some things that I've lived through that have made me feel less-than. Satan uses our natural tendency to sin as a doorway into our hearts, wounding us and using us to wound others. I have spent most of my life feeling un-noticed, un-cared for and unimportant, simply because I allowed the actions of others, their abuses and their careless words to define my identity. I have lashed out at people from the depths of my own unhappiness and fear and in turn felt guilt. But, this semester, I have started to face all of that and begin to love myself and see myself the way He loves and sees me- as a person of infinite value and worth. I can't explain the whole journey, but I will say it reached it's apex in the moment I held a tiny baby yesterday.

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying : "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." ~Jeremiah 31:3

"The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He Loves us." ~CS Lewis

Now for the news bulletin:
- Hillsong Conference is just around the corner. We've finished classes for the semester and are moving into conference intensives, which basically means we spend 2 weeks logging hours with our assigned ministries so that they'll be ready to play their part in Conference.

- I've been working as a Youth Support Worker in residential care here in Sydney, as part of a non-profit organization that works in partnership with DOCS (Dept of Children's Services). This job has really enabled me to be more flexible in finances and I consider it a huge blessing. I also like it, even though I'm still new at it so I still get nervous on shift. I'm getting the hang of it, and I know I am blessed and favoured for sure. I also still nanny in the city on Saturdays.

- In a few weeks, I'll be heading to Wellington NZ with friends for a much needed mid-year holiday and we are leading worship at a friends' church in Wellington.

- Because of my new job, I bought a car. It's old. It ain't pretty. I have to ask it nicely to start in the mornings. But, it runs and it gets me to work. And I'm proud to say that I think I've mastered driving on the left. :)

- I am still believing for finances for my second year- more specifically, I'll find out in the next few weeks if I have received a scholarship I applied for a few months ago. I told Jesus yesterday that I knew the money was mine, in His name, so if anyone out there reading this could do the same, I'd appreciate it.

- Hillsong's Heart for the House offering is this next weekend, and I'm excited to be able to contribute! Each year, at the end of Oz's financial year, Hillsong takes a massive offering that goes into 7 projects/ ministries that are partnering with the church. This year we are contributing towards A21, Natural disaster efforts, Hillsong New York, Hillsong Sydney campuses/ facilities, Hillsong CityCare, Vision Rescue in Mumbai, India, and Tembaletu School in Cape Town. Each year millions of dollars are given straight into these campaigns, all from this one weekend. Brilliant.

- I am working on getting Robin to write another post...but she's doing great. She's working at a store called The Athlete's Foot and stepping into new leadership at church. We've decided it's best for both of us not to be roomies anymore, so now we're both on our own in single rooms, but there's no hard feelings. We're doing really well with the separation. :)

Oh yeah..we're both staying a second year here!!!

I think that's all!

May He richly bless and favour you, child of God!

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You Make Beautiful Things

Last week in chapel, the band did an item while we were taking up our weekly missions offering. It was "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. I liked the song so much that I immediately went home and bought the album on Itunes. I have sat and sat listening to that album, and that song, the rest of this week, with my Bible open, just seriously on the verge of tears.

I feel like I've been on the edge of tears for several weeks now. It's not like anything incredibly sad is happening to me, but I seem to be filled with a whole new compassion for humanity and for other people I don't even know. That sounds really cheesy and dis-genuine, especially coming from me, but it's the truth. When people put in prayer requests my heart is heavy for them. I think of the people the missions offering is going towards and I empty all the change in my wallet, because I feel a new burden for them. I see pictures of the Tsunami literally wiping northern Japan out- in real time, on the news- and I cry. I feel full and filled with this love for other people. And I get so burdened when I know people don't know Jesus- especially when I'm riding the trains and I hear people cussing at each other or when I see comments on Yahoo news making fun of other comments that talk about God- I just feel so horrible for all those people who don't get it. And I look on facebook, and see friends, friends who used to be so much farther along in their Christianity than me, who now are questioning, stuck, burdened or completely backslidden- and I'm realizing that those friends were probably never that far along in the first place; I just happened to be even farther behind them. It makes me so incredibly sad to see people misunderstanding God, abusing His word, or suffering from great hardship.

I've been praying that God would make me a more compassionate person with a heart burdened for all of his people, and I really think He's doing that. I have a new courage in me that I've never had before. I'm not afraid to drop God into conversations or to ask people if they'd like to pray over things. It's really amazing. And the thing that is the least scary, that used to be the most scary for me, is telling people that they are loved- by God and me. It's literally amazing that those simple words can bring so much life into a person's eyes.

I'm not saying I have it all figured out, but I feel that over the course of the last 8 months, I'm finally understanding the character of God. Once we get to know God's personality, His voice and His heart, it's so much easier to hear Him speak to us, and to recognize Him out in the world- and it's also easier to love His people. It's like I have no choice now. My heart is being so softened. I mean I still have issues within myself that are less than perfect, but I am able to turn those things off when it's important.

God makes beautiful things- He really is making something beautiful out of everyone in this world, and out of every situation. The Bible says He makes all things beautiful in His time (Ecc. 3:11) and I'm really starting to see that come to fruition inside of myself and within situations happening in my world. I even see the beauty in the aftermath of disasters like the Queensland floods and the Tsunami that claimed thousands of Japanese lives last night. What beauty and hope there is in the encouragement, help and love we offer to other people we don't even know- simply because God loves them, we love God, and we want to not only honor God, but let other people know they are valued and loved too. So good.

We've had the spiritual update, but now for the news update:
We're about to go in to Colour Conference (international women's conference put on by Hillsong Church, and they not only have them in Sydney, but in Kiev, London, Capetown and now some day-long ones in the States). I'm doing catering for the first one, but I get to sit in on the second one for free! I love the Colour Sisterhood, and all women go to Colour on Thursday mornings each week and hear teaching from Bobbie. But it's more than just a women's meeting- it's a movement to make a difference on this earth, and it's a movement to empower the women of the earth to step out and influence, change their world. Check it out at www.thecouloursisterhood.com.

Currently the worship students in my intake are in the middle of our first songwriting project. We got paired off and told to write either a worship or praise song, which will be performed in a few weeks in front of our tutorials. Each tutorial will send the best two from their group to a worship night in front of all worship students where the songs will be performed and used in a real worship setting. I think it's way cool, and I love the training I am getting for writing songs. Hillsong uses curriculum by Pat Pattison, John Mayer's song writing teacher from Berklee- so I feel like we're getting some good insight.

I'm officially getting to go to New Zealand in July to stay with my housemate's family in Wellington for a week! I'm so excited- right now it looks like me, Robin and our friend Jeremy and his friend Caleb are going. It should be fun.

I have a job interview on Wednesday with St. Saviour's neighbourhood centre, which is part of an organization called Anglicare. I am interviewing for the position of "Youth Residential Support Worker". Basically, here in Oz, some children who are too "high need" behaviour wise for the normal foster environment get placed in group residences, where they are cared for by staff in shifts. I'd be doing 2 overnight shifts a week in various houses owned by Anglicare taking care of kids aged 12-18. I think this is really cool- especially because I've been asking God for years to please let me be a foster parent some day; and I feel like He's introducing me to that world. So please everyone, pray in agreement with me that I get this job!

Also, if you know Staci McIntyre, my dear friend, please encourage her to come here for a year to study. I'm working on it but I may need some backup, you know what I mean? :)

Alrighty, that's all for now. I pray that everyone on your side of the world is having a lovely Spring and that God is blessing you!

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Happy 2011!

Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I last posted. We have had an incredibly busy summer down here and the blogging just slipped away from me.

I hope the new year finds everyone in good health and good hope- this year is still an open book, and anything can be written in it's pages. I remember the beginning of 2010; I had no idea what was in store for me! I can't believe that I have moved to a completely different country and actually feel like it's home. I just never would have thought that I would actually do it.
If you have dreams or big changes materializing in your new year, be encouraged that God is next to you on the journey and He will never leave you to navigate alone. That's something I have definitely come to trust in this past year.

As I begin 2011, I am sitting in the hottest known week in Sydney on record- period. And today is the hottest day on record in 5 years. The actual temperature is 42 C, but the "real feel" is 46 C (115 F!!!!) I don't ever remember Texas getting up to 115. For the past few weeks, all of which have been above 38 C, we've had the air conditioner on. This is a big deal, seeing as none of the houses here have insulation, which makes AC VERY expensive. We try to wait as long as possible before putting it on, but it's so hot that people are getting sick- so we really have no choice. Here's to hoping that our electricity bills aren't through the roof!
I think it's funny that my dad sent me pictures of snow at our house in Texas- and here I am melting. It's just another reminder of how physically far apart we are right now.

We had Christmas Spectacular, which turned out to be just that! It was so fun to participate. I feel so honored to get cast in that show- doing the math, we played for over 20,000 people during the course of 2 weekends- one of which was Hugh Jackman. Good thing I didn't know that before I went on or I would have freaked out. This show is such a great ministry because it's free and very accessible to the community. It's really well done, fun, and attracts a lot people- while ultimately presenting the message of Jesus at Christmastime.

Dad, Mom and Forrest came to visit from December 29th- January 10. We had New Years together watching the spectacular fireworks on the Harbour Bridge, and a wild escapade trying to get home on public transport (which included people throwing up on the train and getting stranded by the bus at 4:30 am)- we made it home around 5:30 am. But, it was a once in a lifetime experience and I'm glad we did it. We saw the sights of Sydney, including Manly Beach, the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, and the Rocks, and then headed up to Cairns, where we snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and rode a skyrail through a rainforest. We also spent some time at an Aboriginal cultural center, which was really interesting. Mom and I did some shopping for Opals and Pearls while Dad and Forrest went on a crocodile spotting cruise. We also bought Forrest a real Didgeridoo, and Dad and Mom bought aboriginal art. We really enjoyed the feel of Cairns- very tropical and friendly. After Cairns we went to Beerwah, near Brisbane, to go to the Australia Zoo. It was a fun day of feeding the elephants, watching all the different shows- including Terri Irwin feeding crocs- and spotting Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids filming an episode of Kate plus 8! After Beerwah, we spent a night in Brisbane in a really posh hotel. We went up to the pool and while we were there, a family did a baptism. Of course, Dad had to go take pictures for them and introduce himself. After Brisbane, we came back to Sydney for a night and saw a show in the famous Sydney Opera House. The next day I said goodbye and we parted ways.

I was so glad they came to visit, but I won't lie when I say I wish I could have gone home for the holidays. It was somewhat difficult to spend Christmas here alone. I did sing in choir on Christmas eve and Christmas day, which was nice. And on Christmas day one of our trainers had us over for a barbecue. But being apart from family is rough, and if I stay here another year I will save my money and fly home for Christmas. It's nice to go to the beach, but I miss sweaters and hot chocolate.

Anyway, I made it through Christmas, had a lovely visit with my family, and then sat around for a week doing basically nothing- I was so glad when new people started arriving and everyone came back from their home countries to start school again. We have three new housemates. One from New Zealand, one from Sweden, and one from the UK. Everyone is getting along well. Last week, we had Powerhouse Retreat (for 18-25 year olds) with Hillsong, and we went up to the Central Coast. It was handy to have a housemate that is from Central Coast- myself and three friends stayed with her instead of paying for housing. I enjoyed the retreat and the speakers and worships, but I really enjoyed reconnecting with my friends after the long summer break. We went to the beach, skinny dipped in her pool and stayed up talking. I needed that time, for sure.

We returned from retreat and started intensives for the new semester. So far everything's gone well. We're taking Church in Ministry and Communication in Ministry- two very useful, practical classes. I'm very happy to be back in class.

My birthday is Thursday and it's going to be interesting to have a summer birthday- usually my birthday falls in the middle of the icy-est, coldest part of the year- but I'm hoping for a beach birthday this year!

Work is still going well, but is not going to pay for a second year's tuition. So, I am going to apply for a grant from the United Methodist Church. If I get the grant I will stay; if I don't get the grant, I will have to go home. I'm very proud of making it through this year without major help from anyone, but the money is just not going to stretch much further. If anything, this year has been an exercise in trusting God's hands for provision. But I also trust that if he wants me to stay, He'll provide money. And if He doesn't want me to stay, He won't provide money. Simple as that! My desire is to stay, so that's what I'm praying for.

I'll sign off now- got to go put another frozen dish towel on my back.

What are YOU praying for in 2011?

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I am at the point where I truly feel planted in this church and in this city. Yesterday as I was coming home from work, I looked around me and really felt like I was part of the scene. I got off the bus by the Queen Victoria Building to catch my train home, and I looked like every other Sydney-ian (ite?) there. I had my headphones in, I had a coffee in hand and I was darting in front of buses before the walk signs were green in order to catch the train. I was even wearing all Australian-purchased clothing. And I thought, the great thing is, I actually know where I am and where I'm going. I never thought I would know where I was in the Sydney CBD- it's so big and there's so many people- but I finally feel like I could never get lost there.

It's sort of like that at church too. At first when I came I was overwhelmed with the amount of people in this church. A person could easily get lost there if they let themselves. I'm not saying that the Hillsong community doesn't reach out, because they certainly do. They do their best to connect everyone. I've never seen it work better than at Hillsong, despite the size. I'm simply saying that because of the sheer volume of people in the auditorium each week, it's easy to remain anonymous if you truly don't want to become planted. But fortunately for me, I'm in college and college students are who the church depends on to run (I'm only repeating what I hear from pastors. :) ) there was no way I was getting lost. I got planted into several different ministries really fast. But out of my connections here, I've gotten to do some really fun stuff in the last few weeks. Here is a condensed list:

- I'm in Christmas Spectacular. And just like Hillsong's church body, this production is HUGE. We have 10 performances in Sydney alone- it involves video, audio recordings, huge sets, full costumes, a cast of over 35 people AND sold out shows in both campuses every night already. I'm a character who has lines and solos in multiple scenes, so I was in the recording studio for 6 hours the other night (yes. Hillsong has multiple recording locations on campus.) recording not only chorus parts, but my solo bits as well. It's been really fun.

- I got to be in "choir" for the live album recording. Even though they overdub most of the sound in the studio and then layer it on top the live recording, my smiling face will still be on the DVD right behind Nigel, the guitarist's, feet. Look for it. Also, my voice is on the DVD extras section speaking over some footage talking about what worship means to me.

-I got asked to record album overdubs. My vocal trainer Sheila (who is on stage in the DVD by the way.) asked me if I'd like to do choral overdubs for album. I went the other night and there was a group of about 30 of us. We stood in a circle in the chapel around a huge microphone and sang through the songs together, recording all the harmonies as well. So if you're buying the new album and you hear a really lovely blended choir part with harmonies you're hearing the 30 of us! And yes, it took forever- about an hour per song.

- I went to Thanksgiving at Brian and Bobbie's house. All the Americans and Canadians were invited for a day at the river, and they made us a really lovely meal (hey. It wasn't the best Thanksgiving meal in the world, but they really tried to make traditional foods. It was sweet). There was music, hammocks, boats, a rope swing, volleyball, and even a game of American football. It was nice. I got sunburned and I actually didn't mind.

- The other day when I was walking home, the recording engineer from the studio saw me and gave me a ride to her house, where the family she lives with was having a real American Thanksgiving. There were all sorts of traditional homemade foods there- even cornbread dressing! And we learned about Joshua House in Ukraine. They took up a mission offering for it and I think they did really well.

- Grad dinner was Thursday night, and we went and had a ball. Great food, good music, and tons of pictures. Then afterwords, a bunch of us from Hills and City campuses decided to go salsa dancing. We walked to a club on Darling Harbour that had free admission on Thursday nights and danced until the late hours of the morning. After we left, we hit up a 24 hour Maccas on the way home and then fell asleep in our beds as the sun was rising. I never do anything like that, but I feel comfortable to do it here with these people and it was so much fun.

I've been praying for some provision over break, something extra on top of my normal work. After spending days sending out my resume, my current employer asked me yesterday if I wanted extra days. So it looks like I will be doing Mondays and Tuesdays in December, maybe January. If I start saving now, I could be able to pay tuition for a 3rd semester....

Well. I am leaving now to get ready for Christmas. Going to get decorations and small presents for people. Also going to find my cookie recipe for tomorrow's cookie making party at a friends' house. Robin's parents are here for 2 weeks, so I may meet up with them later.

I hope everyone else began their Christmas season with as much fun and joy as we're having around here!

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Public transportation

I remember living in Texas and thinking to myself every time I passed a bus downtown, "Damn, I'm so glad I'll never have to ride one of those!" Capitol Metro has a stigma of being the transport of choice for the homeless, dangerous, high or otherwise inebriated economically disadvantaged person- or UT students. None of which was me, so I never thought I'd have to learn to use the bus system. Plus, the buses at home only run in certain areas- definitely not into the more suburban neighborhoods. You might say the bus routes cater to the aforementioned crowd.

However, in Sydney, it's completely different. I have no car here. I can walk to school and the grocery store (if I'm not getting more than two or three bags worth of food) but if I want to go to the mall, post office, movies, or maybe even to a friend's house that doesn't live in Glenwood, then I need to take the bus. At first this was fine- I would maybe take the bus once or twice a month. However, since I started working in Balmain, which is across the Sydney Harbor on the inner west side and a good 40 Ks from my house- I need to take the bus once, sometimes twice, a week. Actually, I take a bus, then a train, then another bus. Both ways. Total each way? 1.5-2 hours on transport- depending on the day of the week (weekends are slower) and if the buses are on time.

My morning, when taking transportation, looks somewhat like this:
6:45 am- wake up, shower, pack lunch, dress, eat breakfast, make sure I have my wallet/ ipod and book, and run out the door.
7:52 am- catch the T65 to Parramatta at the T-Way station behind my house (thank god for a close bus stop!)
8:30 am- arrive at Parramatta, where I run down the stairs to my right into the train station.
8:35 am- board a train from platform 1 to Town Hall station (Downtown Sydney in the Queen Victoria Building)
9:08 am- arrive at the QVB; go up into the light and run across a MASSIVE intersection to the York St. Bus Stand B
9:17 am- catch the 442 to Balmain from York Stand B
9:28 am- get dropped at Balmain Town Hall; walk 3 minutes to work.
9:31 am- arrive at work.

And then when I leave at 6, I do it all over again. Now, there's a good chunk of time (especially at night) when I just sit around waiting for the bus. For example, if the train from Town Hall back to Parramatta runs slow, I'll miss the 7:10 bus back to Glenwood and have to wait for the 7:40 bus. Not good. So, I definitely run for my life to try to catch buses and trains.

Now the funny thing about Sydney's transport is that it seems like everyone uses it. I've seen men in business suits going to the City; old grandmas with their shopping, young moms with strollers, kids going to school in their uniforms (no school busses here- they just all get a free pass to ride the city buses). I'm not in the least bit intimidated to ride the buses here. They're generally clean. Sometimes they're old, but clean. Sometimes they're so full I have to stand. EVERYTIME I ride the train down into the City in the mornings, I stand the whole way.

I think my favorite part of the journey would be Chinese Santa. He drives the T65 in the mornings. Everytime someone gets on the bus, he shouts "Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!" in his Chinese accent. He plays Christmas music over the radio and yells out the doors as he passes stops, "You want my bus? Christmas Express here!" It's so funny to watch the way people on the bus react. Some people ignore it, some laugh, some look at everyone else to see what they're doing. When we get off the bus, he always yells, "Take valuables, take you bags, you papers, you umblellas- Or else I give away! Ho Ho Ho!" Man, it makes for a fun ride. :)

The trains are a little scarier than the bus because for some reason more people who are obviously drunk or high get on the trains. I think it's easier to get on and off a massive 8 car train than a small bus without being noticed. Plus you could potentially get one ticket for a train; and ride trains all day- as long as you didn't try to go back out through the stations you wouldn't have to present a ticket or buy another one to re-board. Let's just say I'd never take my laptop on the train, or sleep, like I see some people doing. On the other hand, if you don't know where you're going, the train is easier than the bus because it stops at every station and announces the station over an intercom- unlike the bus where you just have to know your stop and push the button.

Since I've been taking the same route for about 2 months now, I've got it down pretty well. I am sort of interested to see what my family thinks of our lovely public transport when they come visit at the end of next month. My mom's reaction to the trains should be fun.

Well, that's all for now.

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God responds to prayers...

How many of us would say we always truly believed in faith that God would respond to our prayers? I sure can't say that. How many times have I prayed for something only to wait on an answer that never seems to come?

I think because I am learning to pray in a way that is honoring to God, using the Word in my prayers, and staking my claim on faith, God is finally "proving" to me that He really does hear our prayers.

After all in 1 Peter 3:12 it says that "His eyes are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayers."

Now...righteous simply means that you are in right standing with God. Not that you are perfect, or never make mistakes, or hold yourself above others. Simply that because you love and wish to honor God, you make right choices to please Him. That's all.

Once I figured out that for most of my life I haven't really been righteous, I decided to be open to a response from God in my prayer life now. It was like...click! "Oh...yeah. Um, I feel like I've only been 'righteous' for maybe a year. That may be why I seem to be noticing more leading from the Spirit and more tangible answers to prayers."

Since I've been in college here, my mind has been opened to the possibility that God really does tangibly move in everyday life- and a few of my nudges from the Spirit have even been validated by other people who have had the same nudge! Pretty cool stuff for a Methodist.

God is breaking down my dis-trust in Him. He's totally proving to me that He hears my prayers, and He wants me to know He's going to take care of me.

For example,two nights ago I decided, after prayer, that I should pay my tuition for January semester. I didn't have the money yet and wasn't planning on paying it until January after I saved up from my job. But unfortunately, the USD dropped in value and the AUS dollar will be worth more than the greenback soon (so say the experts). Because I'm paying tuition out of my American savings account, if I wait until January, I may be paying more in greenbacks than I had budgeted because $2600 AUS dollars will no longer equal $2200 USD but maybe up to $2800 USD. Right now they're about equal, so I just decided to go ahead and pay up.

I paid tuition on Tuesday. Monday night, after I made the decision, realizing that I'd only have a few hundred dollars to my name if I did it, I prayed to God, thanking Him that He was Jehovah Jireh (God our Provider) and that He had me in his hand (Isaiah 49:16) and that He would work all things for my Good (Romans 8:28) and left it at that.

The next day, I paid my tuition and went to Spirit Filled Living class. We talked about divine healing that day. After class, we laid hands on classmates who needed healing in any area of life: physical, emotional, relational, financial...I didn't raise my hand because I didn't feel a move to do so.

After we were done praying, a girl named Beth that I've only spent time with once here came up to me with a strange look on her face. She started asking me a bunch of questions like, did I have a job? How often was I working and was it enough? I was answering her, thinking..there's got to be something else going on here. I told her how I had just paid my tuition that day and was sort of nervous about finances.

She started to get teary eyed, saying she wasn't sure if she'd heard correctly, and since I hadn't raised my hand she hadn't known- but that after talking to me she was validated. Apparently God had put my name on her heart the night before (right when I'd been praying for provision!) and she reached into her wallet and handed me a $50 bill. That's a lot to give up for a student- I don't know if I would have done it!

$50 isn't going to pay my way here, but it will pay for me to get to and from work for 2 days using public transit. That typically comes out of my pay, so to be able to hang on to that money will be such a blessing. And if she hadn't been open to God's voice during her own prayer time, I would have never had the $50.

God basically answered a prayer the morning after I prayed it with reassurance that He was going to take care of me- bit by bit, giving me just what I needed at the moment, like when He sent manna from heaven to the Hebrews. Just enough for the day.

That's only one of the examples of things that have happened either to me or to a close friend here. I may be really low on funds, but I'm actually not worried about it anymore. I have taken it to God in prayer and petition, thanked Him for what He's done- and now I know He is going to take care of it.

Brothers and Sisters- I think that prayer and God's answers or lack thereof is one of the main reasons we fall away from God. We don't hear what we want to hear; or we miss the answer. OR we're not righteous perhaps. Maybe we're just not truly believing that God can and will hear and take care of us.

I want to encourage everyone that He will- simple as that. I am someone who never really believed it before I started making a conscious effort to trust, obey and align my life to God's values, which have become mine.

God will answer the prayers he chooses to answer- so am I saying that if you are in a place of mis-trust and uncertainty He won't help you? No. What I AM saying is that once you put forth the effort and gain the desire to live in honor of God, you'll see His blessings in a much more frequent and obvious way.

Be blessed!
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