Dear God,

Dear God,

I delight in you. I find new things hidden in each passing moment that romance me; I hear words from every mouth around me that draw me into you. The gifts you give me surpass my expectations and are far too good for me. The people who love me deserve better from me, and still you bless me with their friendship.

You know that I love your sky so you paint it twice each day with my favorite colors. And at night you send me small visions of your glory, scattered throughout the expanse of the heavens. You know that I find joy in blooming things so you place them along my path. Even in the poorest and roughest of neighborhoods you plant gardens; they are behind trailers and under barred windows. You know that I love children so you send these precious ones to worship in front of me, and I watch them clap and take it all in. And you know that I love to sing, so you gave me a voice. And when I sing to much and listen too little, you take my voice away so I can hear others.

When I am sad, you wrap yourself around me like the quilt that I loved as a child. You listen to me cry and when I pray for peace or sleep, you answer me.

When I am uncertain, you speak words into my thoughts throughout the day and sometimes your voice comes from the mouths of the people behind me in the grocery store. You tell me that you will always take care of me because you love me and want me to live, really live.

When I am happy I will praise you for letting me feel that way.

Lord, I am deeply in love with you. Thank you for showing me what that means. Thank you for teaching me what love is and that it is what I deserve. Thank you for teaching me how to love someone else.

I promise you, my God, that to the best of my humble abilities, I will lift up the people that come across my path. I will speak of You more often and I will talk with you even more often than that. I will tell you I love you with words and with actions.

You have placed a calling into my heart to go somewhere sight unseen in 8 days, and to stay for an unknown amount of time. I have less than half of the money I need, and I am scared of failing you. I am scared that I will miss the reason you have sent me so far because of my own weaknesses. Please, God, sit beside me in class and hold my hand as I walk so that I will always remember to wait on you.

I don't know why I feel that you are sending me so far away just to be closer to you, but I trust you. I will no longer worry or try to control this journey. You are in control, and I know that if I really do love you the way I profess to love you, I will trust you.

Thank you God, for giving me grace. Thank you for allowing me to be so intimately connected with you. You, creator, savior, pasture-maker, shepherd, healer, my redeemer,Lord and King, beginning and the end- I AM-

I humbly praise you and give my life to you again. I surrender. I love you.
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